Ok, I don't know. Maybe it's just me. But I remember when this Levi's ad started appearing on bus shelters months ago, I had to do a double take. Have you ever seen a billboard or magazine ad or commercial that just makes you go: "Uhh... that could really be taken the wrong way..."? I feel like they're everywhere if you're really paying attention, but we've all grown so numb to being bombarded by constant multi-media advertising that we often just don't notice anymore. Anyway, all I could think when confronted with these particular ads was "Uhhm, what now Levi's? Are you trying to say you use CHILD LABOR?" Hmmm. I mean, ok, the kid in the oversized shirt is cute and all, but maaybe not the best use of matching slogan to image, if you really think about it. Perhaps not the greatest advertising choice ever, considering the connotations it evokes. Just saying.